Showing posts with label exes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exes. Show all posts

Sunday, December 26, 2010

New Original - Check It!

I wrote this song just before I left for CISSP camp.  I was sad to put my guitar down before I left, and through the 86 hours of study and class time I participated in that week, prior to the six hour exam, I was anxious to get back home and finish this tune...

This tune was inspired by the inability to completely dissolve your past, and look forward to new beginnings.  Its about putting that toe in, but never really being able to soak your whole foot for fear of getting burned.  Its about enjoying freedom, and not really 'needing' a relationship; yet all the while realizing how much one could support a longterm happiness.  Its about not settling, and sometimes breaking your heart, or others, through searching for the one who is worth the risk.

I've developed a new callous on my left index finger as a result of the pesky bar chord.  A callous to a beginner guitar player is like a....oh nevermind.

So, without further ado, I present to you, live via my crappy little casio digital camera, "How Many (Does it Take?)" - until I come up with a not so lame title, heh.

Tell me what you think?

"How Many (Does it Take?)" - Nina Marie, 2010
*Please note, guitar playing is not really my forte' - I do my best, as it provides me assistance in writing music; this would probably sound a lot better if someone else had played it, lol