Showing posts with label stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stories. Show all posts

Friday, November 12, 2010

Who Am I and What am I Doing Here?

This post would best be digested while listening to "Henry Nearly Killed Me, it's a Shame" - Ray Lamontagne

Henry Nearly Killed Me

My name is Antonina, but everyone calls me Nina.  I was named after my Nana...

I have a 4 year old son named Jack, named after my grandfather...

I'm thirty years old.  I was born and raised in the suburbs of Detroit.  I work in the defense industry.  I've got a BBA, specializing in Human Resource Management.  My son and I are raising a tadpole, named Tad.  My family has bound me with multiple creative abilities and interests; therefore I like a lot of things, and cannot devote myself to pursue any one interest.  I do have a passion for writing.  These days I find myself wanting everything life has to offer, but I'm limited to spending most of my time at work.  I enjoy what I do, but is it really for me, or is it just something I pushed myself through for an earnest paycheck?  As my ex-husband once said, " are like a hippee, and I'm like a college prep..."  This was his justification as to just how incompatible we were - but really? (he is realizing now just how lame that sounded.  Bet). 

So, yes...I do hold unconventional views.  I think outside the box.  I sing.  I play guitar.  I have a rawnchy and twisted sense of humor at times.  I enjoy my personal time just a little too much.  All of these things fall outside the picturesque virtue of a corporate America.  But!  I am passionate about what I do.  I'm passionate because I'm good at it.  If I could poop regularly, I'd be passionate about that too.  I would bet there are a lot of people standing in these three inch heels (deduct the ladies that give me the death look for wearing them to work).  Its a sad state of affairs when one realizes they devote more time to work, more time responding to others ineptitude, than they devote to their children, family, hobbies, or livelihood.

I loathe mornings...especially those that force my waking.
I loathe people absent of ambition.
I loathe inequality in the workforce.
I love my family.
I love my friends.
I love the prospect of change and new beginnings. 

Why am I here?

I started this blog over two years ago, but my lack of devotion and direction landed me two followers and months upon months of silence.  If you are one of my two previous followers, you will see I've made some changes.  Personally, I've made some changes too.  I intend to use this blog to share some tragic, yet humorous experiences.  I'd like to share my humble opinion on workplace topics of interest.  I would also like to use it as my personal therapist, so if you happen to leave a comment, be sure it isn't one that will send me reeling off the nearest overpass.  Like many of you, I find solace in humoring myself at another's expense.  I will share these with you as well, on special occassions like holidays and fiestas.

Through writing, I hope to get to the bottom of that purpose, or at least narrow it down to one broad topic.

For those of you that have played active roles in my misery, I will spare you your indecencies being made public and provide you a fictitious name of my choosing.  I can assure you, it will be one that suits you perfectly*.

I invite you to comment on my blog with any experiences you would like to share, relevant to the subject topic of each post.  I would accept unrelated comments as well, if thats what moves you.

*Disclaimer:  The fictitious name you are provided will likely be offensive, and cannot be exchanged or returned on or after the date a post is published.