Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving - The Italian Creed, Fran Werschler

This holiday, I am most thankful for my big fat Italian family, my heritage, and all that I've learned from them.  As we grow older, we begin to realize how fragile life really is.  The holidays always bring about a taste of these are days that remind me of the huge family dinners.  As time moves forward, the dinners seem to get smaller; memories larger.

I have friends that haven't spoken to their families in years.  When I see this, it saddens I'm not sure any skeleton, lie, mistake, or mishap, could keep me from mine.  Forgive and be forgiven; life is too short.

In honor of Thanksgiving, I bring to you "The Italian Creed," written by Frances (Crifasi) Werschler.  She was my Godmother, forever always being the woman who inspires me to be selfless and giving.  We miss you.

The Italian Creed
by Frances Werschler

We believe in food
We can never eat enough of it
We grow too much, and we eat too much
To share with family, neighbors and friends
We believe in drink
Wine, coffee and conversation
We have been told we talk too much
We believe we have much to say...and we do
We take the saying, "Wake up and smell the coffee" literally.
From the day we are born we think our name is EAT EAT!!
But as we grow older, we realize our real name is...
Whatever the hell your name is
We believe in family
We believe that it is written somewhere in the
Italian Handbook that at least one of our children
should be named Joseph or Josephine
We are compassionate people
We believe in giving ourselves unconditionally
no matter what the cost
We do everything excessively
We eat too much, drink too much, and love too much
We believe in wearing our emotions inside out for all to see
We laugh, we cry, we get angry
Then we cry, get angry, and laugh again
We are poets, musicians, artists, and lovers
We believe in Faith
The resurrection and life
And we believe God is Italian....and God is.

Frances (Crifasi)Werschler

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sincereality & the Flavor of Friends

This blog is best digested while listening to Oasis

I've come to the realization that its extremely rare to go through life sustaining some of the friendships that began when we were still developing into our own.  Most people don't even talk to anyone from High School, above and beyond the 'like' button associated with Facebook.  I had the fortune of meeting these people early on, as they have contributed much to who I am today.

Insert Personal Rant Here: 

Please, when I use the word friend below, consider it's traditional meaning...if you do not remember the traditional meaning, click here and take a journey to the past.  Reference definitions 1a, and 4.  (1b clearly added recently as a result of facebook).

I've decided to devote this blog to one of my most prized possessions:  my friends.  Kickin' it old school - these friends of mine share only one common element.  High School.  These people all have their share of unique qualities...and I'm going to share with you a little from each one.

Veronica and I met in highschool.  We spent many a night in her basement listening to Tool and Smashing Pumpkins.  She was that person that had made my highschool years less painful...because her picture resides in nearly every good memory to come out of that time of my life.  Her family was, in large part, my family too.  Veronica moved away a few years ago and began a new life in Tennessee.  No matter how busy life gets, no matter how many kids she has occupying her every waking moment...Veronica has always been there.  She has always been the friend to call, text, write, send photos...and in retrospect, she is that friend I wish I could be - because, well lets face busy-ness seems to get in the way of keeping in touch.  Last year, I specifically sent her birthday card almost two months in advance just so that I wouldn't send it late.  I think of her every day, but I know our friendship still thrives because of her selfless attempts to keep in touch; she's my boulder.

Lisa is the kindest, least judgemental, person I have ever met.  If she wasn't always donning the latest and greatest fashions, I'm convinced angel wings would be perched on her shoulders.   We were roommates at one point, though I think I drove her absolutely crazy.  She was there when I delivered my son.  She was there for my wedding, and the eventual demise of it.  She was there at my grad party, to paint my house, to paint my room, and she was there at every funeral I've endured since we've met.  She is my voice of reason, because she's never let me down when I've needed a voice of rationale.  She always knows what to do.  She's savvy, passionate, and caring.  No matter the time or distance between us, we pick up right back where we left off when we can make the time.

Greg is like my conscience.  After all...the guy knows me like the back of his hand.  Its a good thing I can't play poker because he'd call my bluff every time.  He is the brother I never had.  He's a voice of reason, and the calm after a storm.   He is the one person that will tell you everything you don't want to hear, if its necessary...and sometimes, it is necessary...and very much appreciated.  He inspired me to play guitar, as we spent many a nights through school (and after) singing and playing together.  Even when he moved to Florida - he was always there, through thick and thin.

These are my Golden Girls (errr...sorry Greg).

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Letting Go of My Bananas

When I was going through one of the most difficult times in my life (knock on wood), a friend recommended this book:

And this book changed my life.

Today, I offer my rotten bananas as of July 2008.  I try to look at this list every few months to gauge how far I've come.  I have come far, and seeing the things I have yet to change motivates me to keep pursuing my personal successes.

This is my living rotten banana essence...this is me yelling at myself:

Affirmation: I am letting go of these bananas. They will continue to hold me back until I do. This will take time. I cannot drop all of these rotten bananas in one day. Each day will bring me a stronger desire to chop these bananas off. I will approach each day with a smile and let nothing stand in my way of letting these bananas fall. Wherever these bananas land is not my problem. My only problems stem from these bananas. Any problems that may arise above and beyond the bananas listed below are most likely overspill from someone else’s bananas, for which I cannot take accountability for. I accept full accountability for letting these bananas control my happiness and success, and I take full responsibility for letting them go.


  • Each day is a full day
    • Get a good night's rest, wake on time, with a smile and accomplish everything you set out to accomplish that day.
    • Go to bed knowing your day was well spent.
  •  Finish the school without curbing the learning
    • Get the BA degree (aka piece of paper that proves your competencies)
    • Make more money, don't stop there
  • Make new friends, keep the old, ditch the ones that don't cut it
  • Help people and give back
  • Health and Happiness
    • Live long and prosper
    • Sleep, quit smoking, drink my water, stop eating crap food
    • Take the time to enjoy real food, and to enjoy preparing it
    • Stop stressing about things that you cannot control; stop stressing about things that will not adversely affect your tomorrow.  There should be no reason that you let yourself get that worked up over something that is so insignificant.  Find the root cause.  Listen to your body.  Sense that it is coming and create a diversion.
    • Live long for Jack, live long for self, live long for success
  • Organize
    • Put stuff where it goes so you can find it
    • Get rid of everything you don't need, use, or have a use for - donate or sell it.  It doesn't matter the less stuff you have, the less you have to maintain.
  • Time Management
    • It is not necessary for you to make plans for every minute of every day
    • It is necessary that you stick to the plans that you make
    • Keep the commitments you make to yourself on the front burner
  • Trust
    • Get over your past and move on.
    • Things are the way that they are and nothing you do today will change the way they were.
    • Things you do today will change the way they continue to be.
    • Forgive and forget.
    • If you don't, you will never allow yourself the opportunity to experience love and happiness the way it should be experienced.  Jack is liable to grow up with similar issues and you will forever regret not learning to live more openly.  You have paid enough penance and happiness in this department is long overdue.
  • Addressin' the Financin
    • You have always been financially responsible moreso than anyone you have ever met.
    • How this is possible without tracking any expense or budget is beyond me.  You have done well for yourself, but not that well considering you don't have a pot to piss in.
    • Well you do, but it costs money to flush so figure it out.
    • Do not delay, do not worsen.  Just fix it.
    • Stop repeating minor dilemma before it becomes a major dilemma.
    • Figure it out before you become a statistic.
  • Acceptance:  because it is what it is
    • Accept who you are.  Be thankful for being someone.
    • Be thankful to those that have helped you become the someone you are and realize that those people too, had issues in being their own person while helping you become who you are.
    • Do the best you can do.
    • Do not expect others to change
    • The rest will follow suite if it needs to, and don't worry if it doesn't.
  • Patience, just a little patience...yeah___yeah____.
    • Realize that each person operates at a pace in which they are comfortable
    • Your pace is not comfortable for most so stop being so pushy
    • Do not rush at the grocery store or while driving, you are going to cause an accident
    • Stop walking like a clydesdale, people can hear you coming from a mile away
    • The work will be there tomorrow and the door can be opened when you get there.
    • Clomping around here like you do in shoes like could really hurt someone.
    • Take a deep breath and relax your shoulders Frankenstein
    • Time is constant and you will not make the day go by faster by running through it.
These are my rotten bananas.  Entertaining to say the least.  There stands a good chance that you have some of the same.  Making them public just gives me that much more incentive to be a little more aggressive with these goals.
My point is this:  if you have something, one thing, or a list of things preventing you from being totally and completely happy with yourself, do something to change it.  I haven't cleared this entire list...but I've certainly put a dent in it.  My life is better for it.

I urge each and every one of you to pick up a copy, if I haven't personally handed you one.

Walmart & Black Friday

Considering the multiple deaths and injuries since 2008, I'm highly recommending cyber-black friday shopping to anyone with access to a computer. 

This one gets hurt!

Black Friday Deals

No risk of death or injury. 

Do this.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Today on Craigslist, Detroit

"I really really need a girlfriend" (21 - Clinton Township)
Nothing speaks desperation like, "I really, really, need a girlfriend"  Not really, but really, really.

Hey, I am a nice, caring single dude who needs a GF that is somewhat responsible and also very single...
Pay close attention:  this post is limited to the very single population.  Single girls need not apply.

Please be in good shape as I got a NICE body haa...
Well, at least there's something.

Jus hopin there's a cute girl who hopped on CR and is looking for a wonderful wonderful down to earth BF.. :)
He had me at 'jus' wonderful wonderful smiley.

I work FT, drive and go to school... I love hangin out, watchin movies, drinkin, and lots lots more... Tell ya when we start talking!
You think the ability to drive is worth mentioning?  Perhaps this credential is on his resume?  Who can I call to verify this information?  We have so much in common!

I am 5'11'', 165 lbs., brown hair, green eyes and in excellente shape! I am very very clean and smell good too:) out ladies, 'excellente'...he may be Italian.

Lets hang out sooooon, email me with a pic and I will return one.. Please include a cell number n maybe we can cut the emailin and get real fast hah :)
Yeah, let us cut the emailing, as well as necessary letters, words, spelling and punctuation.  Lets cut out all of that crap but repeat several words to emphasize the desperation. 

Ladies...stand back, because this catch is all mine.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Who Am I and What am I Doing Here?

This post would best be digested while listening to "Henry Nearly Killed Me, it's a Shame" - Ray Lamontagne

Henry Nearly Killed Me

My name is Antonina, but everyone calls me Nina.  I was named after my Nana...

I have a 4 year old son named Jack, named after my grandfather...

I'm thirty years old.  I was born and raised in the suburbs of Detroit.  I work in the defense industry.  I've got a BBA, specializing in Human Resource Management.  My son and I are raising a tadpole, named Tad.  My family has bound me with multiple creative abilities and interests; therefore I like a lot of things, and cannot devote myself to pursue any one interest.  I do have a passion for writing.  These days I find myself wanting everything life has to offer, but I'm limited to spending most of my time at work.  I enjoy what I do, but is it really for me, or is it just something I pushed myself through for an earnest paycheck?  As my ex-husband once said, " are like a hippee, and I'm like a college prep..."  This was his justification as to just how incompatible we were - but really? (he is realizing now just how lame that sounded.  Bet). 

So, yes...I do hold unconventional views.  I think outside the box.  I sing.  I play guitar.  I have a rawnchy and twisted sense of humor at times.  I enjoy my personal time just a little too much.  All of these things fall outside the picturesque virtue of a corporate America.  But!  I am passionate about what I do.  I'm passionate because I'm good at it.  If I could poop regularly, I'd be passionate about that too.  I would bet there are a lot of people standing in these three inch heels (deduct the ladies that give me the death look for wearing them to work).  Its a sad state of affairs when one realizes they devote more time to work, more time responding to others ineptitude, than they devote to their children, family, hobbies, or livelihood.

I loathe mornings...especially those that force my waking.
I loathe people absent of ambition.
I loathe inequality in the workforce.
I love my family.
I love my friends.
I love the prospect of change and new beginnings. 

Why am I here?

I started this blog over two years ago, but my lack of devotion and direction landed me two followers and months upon months of silence.  If you are one of my two previous followers, you will see I've made some changes.  Personally, I've made some changes too.  I intend to use this blog to share some tragic, yet humorous experiences.  I'd like to share my humble opinion on workplace topics of interest.  I would also like to use it as my personal therapist, so if you happen to leave a comment, be sure it isn't one that will send me reeling off the nearest overpass.  Like many of you, I find solace in humoring myself at another's expense.  I will share these with you as well, on special occassions like holidays and fiestas.

Through writing, I hope to get to the bottom of that purpose, or at least narrow it down to one broad topic.

For those of you that have played active roles in my misery, I will spare you your indecencies being made public and provide you a fictitious name of my choosing.  I can assure you, it will be one that suits you perfectly*.

I invite you to comment on my blog with any experiences you would like to share, relevant to the subject topic of each post.  I would accept unrelated comments as well, if thats what moves you.

*Disclaimer:  The fictitious name you are provided will likely be offensive, and cannot be exchanged or returned on or after the date a post is published.

What I Can't Find on Google:


A medical website that does not initiate a full out panic attack.

A place for voters to go to get an unbiased review of current politicians running for office by state.

A get rich quick rich scheme that doesn't require you to take sixteen surveys, three magazine subscriptions, and spend your life savings.

A well designed, user friendly website that is maintained by a city, state, or federal government agency.

What can't you find using google?