Thursday, December 30, 2010

What's Your Nationality?

Errr...I said something stupid.

I recently asked someone what their nationality was and made some comments as to support personality characteristics being a result of it.  Shortly thereafter I realized what a moronic assumption this was.  I'm Sicilian, mixed with a bit of German, and a dash of French.  Throughout my life, I've heard, "Sicilian and German?  Geez, you must be a brute little force...", or, "Temper, temper, wonder where she gets it from...".  After giving it some thought, I vow to never to make an unfledged statement like this again, and here is why:

I'm not going to deny the fact that I have a bit of a temper, or that I happen to be a brute little force to reckon with if someone crosses me.  However, I think very little of this has to do with my nationality.  Furthermore, characteristics of a society couldn't possibly affect me to this magnitude given the fact that I was neither born in Sicily, nor have I ever visited Europe in my life (not saying I wouldn't like to).  One might say that the cultures and traits associated with my nationality have moved through generations, whereby affecting the result of my personality.  However, I had zero influence from he who had passed on the German/French blood.  And the environment I was exposed to growing up included the likes of Scotland too.

Now, throw in the characteristics found in America as a people; and those are a lot of variables to support a pre-conceived theory as to what makes me, me.  In the end, personal experience holds more weight as it pertains to characteristics of a person.  So, I'm just throwing this out there...don't be one of those morons (like me the other day) who makes a statement to suggest that anyone's nationality holds weight as to, for example, how arrogant or chauvanist they may be.  It is more likely that experience has made them this way...or they might just be an asshole because they like to be.  Who knows?

Embrace the individuality.

Flag of Nina

The End.

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